Over the Christmas period last year, we asked for your help to provide professional equipment for disabled young people in Uganda so they could start work.
The Rwenzori Special Needs Foundation (RSNF) runs a successful vocational training school teaching hairdressing, sewing, knitting and carpentry, alongside business and finance skills. Upon graduating, the students need their own hairdressing tools and sewing machines to go into business, the costs of which are prohibitive.
Thanks to your incredible generosity, our Christmas campaign raised £3,058, enabling us to buy 12 hairdressing kits, 17 sewing machines and three knitting machines.
Thank you so much!
One of the students who benefitted is Hassan, a 25-year-old, single leg amputee. He graduated from RSNF's vocational training school last year and makes sweaters, which he sells to support himself and his mother.

Accomplish gave Hassan a knitting machine this Christmas. Prior to that, he had to walk to RSNF’s offices every day to use their knitting machine to work on orders for his customers. Now, he is able to work in his home village. This has enabled him to grow his business by approaching nearby schools about making sweaters for them.
“Before I started this work as a tailor, it was very difficult for me. But after things started working well, I was able to socialise with my friends because things were different,” Hassan explained.
