Trustee Sue Baldock is walking the equivalent of Lands End to John O'Groats this year to raise money for Accomplish.
Sue has worn out her first pair of walking socks and she’s half way there! That’s 560 miles, which is the equivalent of walking from Land’s End to Alston on the Pennine Way, a notoriously tricky bit of the walk where it’s easy to get lost.
April has been a great month for being outside, not least because the relaxation of Covid restrictions has meant a greater variety of possible walks. Accomplish’s address is Byron Court, so one nearby destination (for Sue) which had to be visited is the extensive garden and grounds of Newstead Abbey. This was the home of the Byron family for many generations. The 6th Lord Byron and the last Byron family member to live at Newstead was the famous poet.

So all in all, Sue has made good progress so far. Thank you to everyone who has encouraged Sue on her way. Just another 560 miles (roughly) to go!
You can sponsor Sue (who is pictured above in the grounds of Newstead Abbey) at