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Pupils at RAPCD's school in the playground

Every penny you give will go directly to disabled children in remote areas of Africa, who are some of the poorest and most marginalised people in the world. Accomplish has minimal overheads in the U.K. and we work directly with locally-run, community organisations in Africa to ensure that your gift goes directly to the people who need it the most. Your generosity will help provide education, medical care, income generation and community outreach. Thank you so much. 


There are several ways to support us, listed below. Should you have any questions about giving, please contact our treasurer:

Raise Money Shopping

Did you know that you can raise money for Accomplish when you shop online, at no cost to yourself? Give As You Live collects donations from hundreds of retailers. 

Gift Aid

Make your donation 25% more effective by claiming Gift Aid. Please complete our Gift Aid Form to enable us to collect an extra 25p for every pound you donate.

Ways to Give

Donate with PayPal

Donate via PayPal using the button above or the QR code below:

QR code for ACT on Paypall.png
Gifts in Wills

Leaving a legacy to Accomplish in your will would make a long-lasting impact and help transform the lives of children in some of the world's poorest communities.


Our annual reports, accounts, and policies, and additional information sought by grant bodies can be viewed by clicking the button below.

Sigele and Gladys from Heart of Mercy

Give monthly for maximum impact

A monthly donation will reach more disabled children and transform their lives

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