Policy statement
Accomplish Children’s Trust CIO is a charity based on Christian ethics and principles and is open to all persons who uphold our aims and objectives. We are committed to equal opportunities and believe that all should be treated equally. We recognise the value that diversity brings and welcome Trustees, volunteers and staff from all backgrounds.
Accomplish will not discriminate on the basis of the protected characteristics of the 2010 Equality Act: gender, age, race, disability, sexual orientation, religion, gender reassignment, marriage or civil partnership or pregnancy and maternity.
We are committed to eliminating discrimination and encouraging diversity amongst our trustees, volunteers and partner organisations. All trustees, volunteers and personnel associated with partner organisations whether part-time or temporary, will be treated fairly and with respect.
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidance on equality and fairness for all in our recruitment.
Accomplish believes that equality is good management practice and is committed to:
Creating an organisation in which individual differences and the contributions of all our staff and volunteers are recognised and valued;
Ensuring that every Trustee, volunteer and partner organisation is entitled to dignity and respect. No form of intimidation, bullying or harassment will be tolerated;
Reviewing all our practices and procedures to ensure fairness; and
Dealing with all breaches of our equality policy as misconduct.
Reasonable arrangements for people with disabilities
Accomplish will make any reasonable adjustments to the way we work in order to provide a service or allow volunteering opportunities for those with disabilities to allow an equal opportunity to participate.
Basis in the Christian Faith
Accomplish is a charity based on Christian ethics and principles and as such, in some instances, this may be reflected in the desirable or essential criteria of a role within the charity. Where this applies it will be clearly indicated on the role description (in keeping with the exception in the 2010 Equality Act).

The Trustees have overall responsibility for this policy and implementation but may delegate aspects of its implementation and monitoring to others as appropriate.
It is the responsibility of every individual to eliminate discrimination by ensuring the practical application of this equality and diversity policy and reporting concerns about any possible breach of this policy to the board of trustees. All allegations of discrimination (including harassment) will be treated seriously. Any unlawful discrimination is totally unacceptable to ACT and perpetrators will face disciplinary action.
The policy is accessible to all on our website and will be reviewed annually by the trustees.