"Will you be the one to make a child’s dream come true?” asks primary school student

Moved by the story of Accomplish’s founder, Rebecca Cornish, pupils at a Basingstoke school put pen to paper to make a difference to the lives of children at RACPD's primary school in Uganda.
It all began with a virtual visit from Dr. Clare Steele-King, Accomplish's School Liaison Volunteer. During a Key Stage 2 assembly, pupils heard how Rebecca’s response to her experiences working as a physiotherapist Uganda led to the formation of Accomplish; and how RAPCD established a primary school for disabled children in Uganda, with Accomplish's support. The students were challenged to consider how they could make a difference.
Year 5 and 6 pupils then explored Accomplish's work in more depth within their Religious Education lessons on Freedom and Justice. From their list of fundraising ideas, they decided to hold a non-uniform day in order to support RAPCD’s primary school.
The pupils wrote letters to their parents and the wider school community, as well as creating and delivering assemblies to younger children within the school. As a result, the school’s non-uniform day raised over £300 - well on the way to its target of £500 to help RAPCD to buy outdoor play equipment.

“The children at RAPCD, despite their hard work in the classroom, don’t have play equipment. This is a boarding school and after learning, they have nothing to do!” wrote one pupil at St John’s.
“As a school, we are trying to raise money for them to buy brand new equipment for them to enjoy.”

Do you know of any other schools that would be interested in building a link with Accomplish, hearing about our work and inspiring pupils to support children overseas? If so, please get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.
